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Planning Board Minutes 1/19/16
Planning Board
January 19, 2016
Approved February 16, 2016

Members Present: Bruce Healey, Chair; Tom Vannatta, Vice-Chair; Bill Weiler, Bob Caia, Deane Geddes, Members; Russell Smith, Ex-officio Member.

Mr. Healey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


The Board reviewed the minutes of December 22, 2015 and made no corrections. Mr. Weiler made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Vannatta seconded the motion. All in favor.

Planning Board Advisor Services Agreement
Mr. Healey advised the Board that Ken McWilliams has agreed to serve as Newbury’s Land Use Advisor from February – December 2016 at an hourly rate of $55, for a total annual budget of $10,000 for coverage of Board meetings and ancillary support and $2,000 for CIP support.

Mr. Vannatta made a motion to give the Chair permission on behalf of the Planning Board to sign the agreement with Ken McWilliams pending approval by the Board of Selectmen and funding approval by the Town. Mr. Weiler seconded the motion. Mr. Healey called for a Roll Call vote.
In Favor: Mr. Geddes, Mr. Smith, Mr. Caia, Mr. Weiler, Mr. Vannatta, Mr. Healey
Opposed: None

Mr. Weiler noted that the Board should look into the current application fee structure with an eye towards increasing the fees to offset the PB Advisor fee increase. Mr. Healey agreed to discuss the issue at a future time.

CASE: Case: 2016-001:  CONCEPTUAL- Minor Subdivision – Mark & Anne Hilton - Tom Dombrowski (Agent) Map/Lot 044-595-056 – located off South Road

Tom Dombrowski met with the Board. He said Mark & Anne Hilton want to subdivide their property to build a house on one lot and sell the second lot. Lot #1 is 2.83 acres and Lot #2 is 35.67 acres.  He said the Hiltons want to build on Lot #1 and sell Lot #2. Lot #1 contains sandy gravel, extensive wetland, and steep slope which leaves a building envelope of 1.2 acres.

Mr. Healey noted that Lot #1 is a very challenging piece of property due to the wetlands and steep slopes. Mr. Dombrowski agreed and discussed several building options. The shape of the lot was determined by several factors: the presence of a seasonal brook, keeping the sides of the lot parallel to the road and old RR bed, and keeping the corners of the lot out of the wetlands.

Mr. Healey noted that this property is subject to the regulations contained in the Aquifer Overlay Protection Area, Article 20 in the zoning ordinance. He noted that residential development is permitted but there are a number of performance standards that must be met for a sub-division.

Mr. Dombrowski noted that Best Management Practices will be used and added that there is no deer yard and the form factor is not needed because of the amount of road frontage.

Mr. Healey said a driveway permit is needed.

Mr. Dombrowski thanked the Board for their input.   


Master Plan Update
Mr. Vannatta reviewed progress to date, noting that the next Master Plan Committee (MPC) meeting is on February 11, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. Since January 1, 2016, meetings and interviews have occurred (or are being scheduled) by the MPC consultant with LSPA, Town personnel, NCC, and NBC. Challenges remain regarding engaging town residents and other stakeholders involved in the MP process. Mr. Vannatta said efforts continue to gather potential names for the final document.  He added that plans are to have the initial contacts completed by the end of February, adding that the committee is looking at using multiple methods of outreach, including social media.

Kellsey Family Trust Voluntary Merger Application
Mr. Healey reviewed the complex background connected with the Kellsey Family Trust Voluntary Merger Application. He said the Town Assessor requested that a covenant be included referencing the ZBA’s actions concerning the parcels/lots in question. There was Board consensus to approve the voluntary merger application.
The Fells Parking Lot
The Board discussed the history of application and PB approval in 2008 for a parking lot on the south side of the gatehouse at The Fells in 2008. Mr. Healey noted that the project did not move forwards as planned because the federal National Historic Trust withheld its approval because the project called for filling in a wetland. Mr. Healey said The Fells may be looking at the project again and, as such, may be coming before the Planning Board. He added that a parking lot would be an accessory use.

Planning Board Positions-March Elections
Mr. Healey announced that Mr. Vannatta will not be running for re-election. That means there are two 3-year term positions open on the Board and one 1-year position open. There was discussion about potential candidates and possible strategies to entice more volunteers to serve on the Board.

Tackle Shack
Mr. Healey said the Tackle Shack received a Building Permit to install roof-mounted solar panels. He questioned whether that addition should have been permitted by the Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) without a site plan review by the Planning Board. Mr. Healey said he will speak with the CEO about the matter.

Out Spokin’ Building
Mr. Healey alerted the Board to a possible new tenant/owner for the Out Spokin’ building on the corner of Route 103 and Route 103A. He noted that he expected same to meet with the Board in February with a conceptual application.

Mr. Smith made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Weiler seconded the motion. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary